Book Resources
Take a look at the books below by Dr. Greg and Dr. Diana Gill. Purchasing any of the following books goes a long way to support the ministry of EIM.
Much More - Unleashing the Holy Spirit in Your Life
By Bishop Greg D. Gill
Bishop Gregory D. Gill has the gifting of bringing out the Much More through the Holy Spirit. Bringing people to the altar and allowing the refreshing of the Holy Spirit to be unleashed in their lives! Much More is possible. Much More is attainable. Much More is for you and those around you. Open the pages of this book and find out how the Much More can overtake you and equip you to be more than you ever thought or imagined. The Holy Spirit is the Helper and wants to give you the Much More!
Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it. Habakkuk 1:5 (NLT)
How to Purchase:
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- Amazon (Paperback)
I Will Not!
By Bishop Greg D. Gill
In life, some people would like to see you go down, give up, and quit. They want to see you fail, to be miserable, to throw in the towel, hide, and never come out again into the light. That is the plan of the enemy, to use people to get you to quit. But God’s plan for you is not to fail, not to quit, not to throw in the towel, but for you to succeed. I’ve come a long way from the broken marriage, working at Starbucks, and feeling as if my life and ministry was over. God gave me the strength, courage, and the support I needed to say I WILL NOT!!!!
How to Purchase:
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- e-Transfer – $30 CAD – Send to with Book Title
- Lulu | Amazon (Paperback) | Amazon (Kindle Edition)
Hope in the Mourning: A Journey Into Grief
By Bishop Diana E. Gill
Have a look into the first year, month by month, of a young widow’s journey of grief. Raw and personal, Diana opens up about all the heartfelt emotions that go along with grief after losing her husband at age forty-one. Grief is personal, and no matter who you have lost, grief must be dealt with in order to heal. This is a glimpse of that journey, written so that others might take hold of insights that will help them in their own journey.
How to Purchase:
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- e-Transfer – $30 CAD – Send to with Book Title
- Amazon (Paperback)
You Call Me Beautiful: A Journey of Healing
By Bishop Diana E. Gill
Not knowing you are broken is a tool of the enemy that needs to be revealed. Diana takes you through her journey of healing which God gently took her through. Every detail is part of God’s plan. Many divine appointments to help her on her way. Diana has dealt with loss, but this shows how God can give back what the enemy has stolen. Do you believe you can be healed of harm that has come upon you by others or yourself? God wants to heal you so that you can move forward and help heal others.
How to Purchase:
- Go to Online Payment
- e-Transfer – $30 CAD – Send to with Book Title
- Amazon (Paperback) | Amazon (Kindle Edition)