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Ministry Testimonials

We would love to hear your testimonies as well.

Chuck Ham

San Antonio, TX

You just never know what God has for you until you get to the place where the world has nothing for you. To the place where you are empty of worldly things and totally stripped of everything you knew as normal. I was not new to church by a long shot, but was new to this church. A year prior I had a not so nice fall from grace at my church of 17 years, and went to hide out at another mega-church in San Antonio. But that too came to an end. It was New Year’s Eve, 2014 I sent my longtime friend, and now pastor, Pastor Warren Beemer a message and asked if he could meet with me. I was in a bad spot and just needed someone to talk to. I was able to meet up with him the following Wednesday and sat at a restaurant and just told him I was done. Done with everything. Done with life. I had no place. He told me I had a place and to come to Sunday service. So I did and that’s when God started to work something out in me. But I was still in somewhat of a mess.

That was my state when I first encountered Pastor Greg. He was preaching at my church, Healing Place Church San Antonio, on a Sunday morning. See, I heard there was a guest speaker. But I didn’t want to hear a guest speaker. After a while of internal struggle, I got myself together and just went on to church. Greg preached a message that morning called “Any Place but Backwards” and I promise he was preaching to an audience of ME! He was nailing me up one side and down the other. I had made up my mind that as soon as the altar call started I was going to leave. But God had another plan. Out of nowhere, Greg pointed at me and asked me to come to the front. I walked to the front, he put his hands on my shoulders and began to tell me my life story of the past few years. I was absolutely paralyzed. He told me details about my life over the past 3 years that no one knew besides me and God alone. Then he began to prophesy over my future…speaking things that were the desire of my heart that again, no other person knew. My knees went out from under me and I was out. No matter how hard I tried to stand up, I couldn’t. I kept getting knocked to the ground. The Lord spoke sweetly to me that He was “birthing” something new. He wasn’t remodeling, he was completely rebuilding.

The following evening, I went to my pastor’s home where Greg was speaking to the church leadership. I wasn’t in any position or anything, but I was invited. When I walked in the door, Greg said, “It’s good to see you standing finally..” and he laughed. I went and hugged him and just began to weep. He spoke a word to me..”God is your defender and He’s your restorer. Everything that has been take won’t be given back, but will be replaced. Remain in the place where you can receive.”. He spoke to the leaders that night a message “The Rest of Your Life is the Best of Your Life”. And again, he called me out again.

Everything Pastor Greg has spoken into my life has come to pass. You see, I had made a huge mess of my life…while I was in leadership of one of the largest churches in San Antonio and in the US. It all came crashing down. I was told I’d never be in ministry again because of what I had done. That because my marriage failed because of me, that I would never be able fully serve. Since then, God has birthed newness into my life. I am remarried now to the most amazing woman on the planet and we serve in ministry together. I have been ordained and I am currently leading the men’s ministry at my church and doing some “kingdom” things as God opens doors. My life has been completely rebirthed! The relationship with my kids is rebirthed! The rest of my life will certainly be the best of my life.

I thank God today that He didn’t give up on me. That He didn’t say, “Game over..”. I thank Him for grace today. And I thank Pastor Greg for being sensitive to the Spirit of God and speaking LIFE! I love you Giller!!! The words you spoke changed my life!

Christie McKearn

San Antonio, TX

My favourite encounter with Pastor Greg Gill happened in Calgary years ago. It was after service, and the Lord was moving big time. Pastor Greg came up to me, wrapped me in a big bear hug, and started to prophecy over me. It was so grand, so majestic, so straight from the mouth of God that THOSE WORDS have been brought back to my memory HUNDREDS of times over the last 10 years or so. I believe the release of that prophecy set me on a course of destiny that was so much more expansive than I had previously envisioned. That to me is Greg Gill and His ministry, whether or not you are privileged to get a hug bear hug from him- He exudes not only the intimacy of the Father’s heart but vision SO BIG that it can set the course of your destiny ON FIRE. His ministry is an ON TIME ministry- helping to keep the body of Christ in step with what God is doing on the earth right now!